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Scientific calculator

Looking for an easy way to tackle math problems? Our online calculator is exactly what you need! With its help you can easily perform various calculations, be it addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, as well as more complex operations such as finding percentages, working with fractions and roots.

This calculator is perfect for students and professionals alike, thanks to its versatility and intuitive interface. You won't have to spend time studying complicated instructions - all functions are organized in a logical and clear way. A distinctive feature is the presence of specialized functions such as sine, cosine and tangent, which makes it ideal for solving geometry and trigonometry problems.

This calculator will be an indispensable tool for solving homework assignments or performing work calculations. It provides accurate results, which is critical for any calculation. With its online capability, it will always be at your fingertips when you need to calculate something quickly and accurately.

We are confident that this calculator will become your faithful assistant in the world of numbers and formulas, making the process of learning and working not only easier but also more enjoyable. Simplicity and efficiency - that's what makes it an indispensable tool for people of any age and profession.

Instructions for using the online calculator

This calculator is a powerful tool for solving a variety of math problems. It is ideal for students, engineers, accountants and anyone who works with numbers.

The main buttons and their functions:

  • AC (All Clear) - complete clearing of all entered data.
  • +/- - changing the sign of a number from positive to negative and vice versa.
  • % is the percentage of the number.
  • mc, m+, m- - buttons for working with the calculator memory: clearing memory, adding to memory and subtracting from memory respectively.
  • 1/x - finding the inverse of a number.
  • x², x³ - to square or cube a number.
  • y^x is the ascension of a number to the power of y.
  • x! - is the factorial of the number.
  • √ and ∛ are square root and cube root.
  • log is the decimal logarithm.
  • sin, cos, tan are trigonometric functions.
  • sinh, cosh, tanh are hyperbolic trigonometric functions.
  • e^x is an expansion of the number e to a power of x.
  • Deg and Rad - toggle between degrees and radians.
  • π and e are mathematical constants.
  • Rand - generation of a random number.

Completion and examples of use:

Suppose you want to add the numbers 123 and 456. Enter 123, press +, then 456 and finally = to get the result.

If you need to calculate 20% of 150, click 150, then % and multiply the result by 20.

For trigonometric functions, if you want to find the sine of 30 degrees, make sure Deg is selected, enter 30, and then press sin.

Important points:

Always start by clearing previous calculations using AC.
When entering long numbers, make sure you do not skip any digits.
When using functions with memory (mc, m+, m-), remember that the calculator stores the number until the next time you press AC.
Before using trigonometric functions, check if you are in the correct mode (Deg for degrees, Rad for radians).
By following these simple rules, you can maximize the efficiency and accuracy of your online calculator for a wide range of tasks.

Click numbers and functions in the calculator just like you would in a regular calculator.
When you click the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division button (also in scientific mode: yx, x√y, EE and open parenthesis), a white ring appears around the button to let you know what operation to perform. The ring around the open parenthesis will remain until all expressions in the parentheses are closed.

This calculator uses an algebraic input method that allows you to enter mathematical sequences in the same order in which they are specified algebraically (PEMDAS/AOS™).
PEMDAS: “Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction.” Multiplication and division have the same rank. Addition and subtraction too.

Hovering over a symbol will bring up additional options.

Switch between 4-digit grouping modes (1,234.5), (1,234.5), (1,234.5), (1,234.5), or (1,234.5) by clicking the circle on the left (showing the modes . , , , , or . ,) or by typing [h, Shift+G]

Click the > or < icon on the left side of the display, double-click the display, or press [TAB] to switch between the scientific and simple calculator.

Click the > or < icon on the left side of the display, double-click the display, or press [TAB] to switch between the scientific and simple calculator.

  • 2nd
    [Space] Changes the trigonometric keys (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh and tanh)
    their inverse functions (sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh-1, cosh-1, and tanh-1). It also changes ln to log2,
    and ex to 2x. Press 2nd again to return the buttons to their original functions.

  • (
    [(] Opens an expression within brackets. Expressions can be nested. Clicking it allows a white ring to appear around the button to let you know that the bracketed expression is still active (until all expressions are closed by a closing bracket or equation sign).

  • )
    [)] Closes the expression enclosed in brackets. The white ring around the key ( bracket) will remain until all expressions are closed using this key or after pressing the equation sign.

  • %
    [%] Calculates percentages, adds markups and subtracts discounts. To calculate a percentage, use the +, -, ×, or ÷ keys to calculate it. For example, to calculate 8% of 500, enter 500 x 8% (without the equation key (=)), which returns 40. To add a markup or subtract a discount, optionally use the equation key (=). For example, to calculate the total cost of an item costing 500 with an 8% sales tax, enter 500 + 8% =, which returns 540.

  • 1/x
    [{ or h, 1] Returns the inverse of the value in decimal format.

  • x2
    [h, 2] Squares the value.

  • x3
    [h, 3] Dice value.

  • yx
    [^ or ' or "] Click between values to increment the first value to the degree of the second value.
    For example, to calculate 34, enter 3 yx 4 =, which returns 81.

  • x!
    [x] Calculates the factorial of the value (integers only).

  • [h, r] Calculates the square root of the value.

  • xy
    [r] Use values between values to calculate the root of x from y. For example, to calculate 4√81,
    enter 81 x√y 4 =, which returns 3.

  • log
    [Shift+L] Returns the logarithmic base 10 of the value.

  • sin
    [s] Calculates the sine of the value.

  • sin-1
    [Shift+S] Calculates the arcsine of the value. (Available when the second button is pressed.)

  • cos
    [c] Calculates the cosine of the value.

  • cos-1
    [Shift+C] Calculates the arccosine of the value. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • tan
    [t] Calculates the tangent of the value.

  • tan-1
    [Shift+T] Calculates the arctangent of the value. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • ln
    [l] Calculates the natural logarithm of the value.

  • log2
    [h, l] Calculates the log base 2. (Available when the 2nd button is pressed.)

  • sinh
    [h, s] Calculates the hyperbolic sine of the value.

  • sinh-1
    [h, Shift+S] Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of the value. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • cosh
    [h, c] Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of the value.

  • cosh-1
    [h, Shift+C] Calculates the archyperbolic cosine of the value. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • tanh
    [h, t] Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the value.

  • tanh-1
    [h, Shift+T] Calculates the archyperbolic tangent of the value. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • ex
    [e] Press after entering a value to raise the constant "e" (2,718281828459045...) to the power of that value.

  • 2x
    [Shift+X or h, e] Calculates 2 to the power of the displayed value. For example, 10 2x = 1024. (Available by pressing the second button.)

  • Rad
    [d or °] Changes the mode for expressing trigonometric functions in radians.

  • Deg
    [d or °] Changes the way trigonometric functions are expressed in degrees.

  • π
    [p] Enters the PI or π value (3,141592653589793...).

  • EE
    [Shift+E] An operator that multiplies the currently displayed value by 10 to the power of the next value you enter.

  • Rand
    [h, n or h, d] Returns a random number between 0 and 1.

  • C
    [Del] Press to clear the displayed number. Clears the incorrect input/number from the display when pressed before pressing any function or control key.

  • AC
    [Del] Press to clear the displayed number and permanent and pending operations.

  • mc
    [v] Press to clear the memory.

  • m+
    [b] Press to add the displayed number to the number in memory. If there is no number in memory, press to store the displayed number in memory.

  • m-
    [n] Click to subtract the displayed number from the number in memory. If there is no number in memory, click to store the displayed number as a zero subtraction in memory.

  • mr
    [m] Press to replace the displayed number with the number in the memory.
    If there is a white ring around the button, it means that a number is stored in the memory. The white ring around the button also disappears if the stored number is zero.

  • +/–
    [#] Changes the algebraic sign

  • =
    [ENTER] Ends any function or operation and displays the result.
    there are any incomplete expressions in parentheses before pressing or pressing this key,
    they're automatically terminated.
    2*(2+3*(2+4))=40 is the same as typing 2*(2+3*(2+4=40

The stored number, display, all permanent and pending operations and key states remain in memory when you switch between the standard and scientific calculators and even if you turn off the calculator, lose application focus or press the "Esc" key.

Every button on the calculator fully supports the keyboard.

  • Numbers and + - × ÷ , . = keys can also be entered into the number pad.
  • See below for the key combinations of each calculator button in [brackets].
  • Use the [Backspace] key to correct the last single number, dot, or +/- sign entered.
  • All [ENTER] keys represent the '=' key.
  • Hold key: [h, s] means: press h or H and you will see a small "hold" in the lower right corner of the display.
  • This makes the following key function different: [s] = sin, but [h, s] = sinh, etc.
  • Copy/paste from/to display using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
  • The Tab key switches the calculator from simple to scientific and vice versa.
  • All of these keyboard shortcuts can also be used in simple mode.

Physical constants

Speed of light:  299792458
Quantum of conductivity: 0,00007748091731
Gravitational constant (G): 0,00000000006673
Electric constant: 0.00000000000088541
Planck's constant:  0,0000000000000000000000000000000000662607004
Длина доски:  0,0000000000000000000000000000000000016

Newton's constant of gravity: 0,00000000006674
Magnetic constant: 0,000001256
Molar gas constant: 8.31445
The molar volume of a gas: 0,022710
Sakura-Tetroda Constant: -1,15170
Planck's Mass: 0.00000002176434

Mathematical constants

Golden Ratio:  1,6180
Euler Mascheroni's Constant:  0,577251664
Meissel Mertens constants: 0,26149721
Omega Constant: 0,567143290
Caen's Constant: 0,64341054
Ramanunjan's Landau constants:  0,764223
Alladi Grinstead Constant:  0,809394020
Catalan constants: 0,915965
Apery's constants: 1.2020569

Conway's Constants: 1.303577
Mill's Constant: 1.306377833
Plastic constants: 1.324717
Ramanunjan Soldner's Constants: 1.451369234
Porter's Constants: 1.467078
Universal parabolic constant: 2.29558714
Kinchin's Constants: 2.685452
Niven's Constant: 1.705211140

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