Recipe for passive income of 100 thousand on one telegram channel

Recipe for passive income of 100 thousand on one telegram channel

Here is the recipe for generating $100,000 passive income on a single telegram channel:


  • Telegram channel - 1 tablespoon
  • Team - 3 cups
  • Love is a pinch

By switching to a specific language, you have created a channel, for example, in the field of education, invest 150k on advertising, develop it for 3-4 months, and reinvest all the profit (about 100 thousand per month) in advertising. How to get passive income of 100 thousand per month?


  1. Create a telegram channel in the chosen topic, for example, in the field of education.
  2. Invest $150,000 in advertising to promote the channel. Gradually develop it over 3-4 months.
  3. All profits, approximately $ 100,000 per month, reinvest in further advertising.
  4. After 3-4 months, reduce the amount of reinvestment to 30-40% of total income.
  5. Hire a team to support and grow the channel. It is recommended to hire the following professionals:
    • Content manager (with a salary of 7-10 thousand dollars)
    • Advertising sales manager (commission 10-15% of each transaction)
    • Advertising buyer (commission 10-15% of each transaction)
  6. Calculations show that it will take about $80,000 to pay employees, which means a balance of $200,000.
  7. Of the remaining $200,000, invest $100,000 in reinvestment, and the remaining $100,000 can be considered the passive income that you wanted to receive!
  8. Further success depends on you and your work: how quickly you can assemble a team and how quickly you want to create a second, third, and even a network of channels.

By following this recipe, you can achieve $100,000 in passive income from a single telegram channel. Good luck with this idea!

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