Basic terminology in Telegram

Your understanding of the basic terms in Telegram will help you better understand the process of monetization and earnings. Below are some key terms that you should be familiar with:

  1. Reach/Daily Reach: The number of times a post has been viewed in a given period of time, usually expressed as daily reach since ads are typically bought for 24 hours.
  2. Top, feed and 1/24: Terms of advertising on the channel. Top hour (1) means that the ad post will be shown last on the channel and then overlaid with regular content. The number (24) indicates the number of hours during which the post will be visible in the feed, after which it will be removed from the channel. Commonly used formats include 1/24, 2/48, 3/72, and 1-3/no deletion.
  3. CPM "Cost Per Mile": The cost per thousand impressions of an ad. For example, if the channel reach is 2000 impressions and the ad price is $1000, then the CPM will be 500 (1000 ÷ 2).
  4. ER (Engagement Rate): Subscriber engagement measured by reach in a day or two. If your channel has 200 views with 1000 subscribers, then the ER will be 20%.
  5. Reinvest: Investing profits from the channel back into its development. For example, if you had two ads, the money from the first can be used at your discretion, and the money from the second can be reinvested in buying ads to further develop your channel.

Now that you are familiar with the basic terms, you are ready to move on and start making money on Telegram. Success to you!

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