How to improve your marketing with QR codes at trade shows

How to improve your marketing with QR codes at trade shows

Using QR codes at trade shows connects industry experts to your product, service or content with a single scan. Once they scan the code, you can follow up, build rapport, and get valuable feedback right away.

If you want to stay on top of your marketing game, add QR codes to your strategy. It's economical, easy to set up, and highly interactive. All you need is a stockpile of QR code solutions, an effective QR code marketing strategy, and a display stand that will make you look twice.

Are you ready to showcase your product or service to experts in your industry? We have the tools to help you impress your target audience and build stronger connections with industry experts and potential clients, while generating leads like never before. Browse our QR code marketing library to update your knowledge of our 2D barcodes.

If you are not interested in storing your QUAR codes and generally do not need Dynamic QR Codes and do not want to register, then we have this, the button below!

What is an exhibition?

Trade shows, also known as trade fairs or exhibitions, are exciting events organized for specific industries to showcase and showcase their products or services to potential customers, suppliers, business partners, including members of the press.

Marketing Benefits of Using QR Codes at Trade Shows

Preparing a stand for an exhibition is not for the faint of heart. This requires a lot of time and money, not to mention careful planning and impeccable trade show marketing strategies. But if you have smart marketing software like QR codes, you have a complete set of tools to help you from start to finish.

#1 Attract visitors to the booth

It doesn't make much sense to have an attractive booth that is empty and quiet. Nobody likes looking at an abandoned kiosk. Your efforts would be in vain if there were few pedestrians at your event.

But when you advertise your booth before the show, you create buzz before the event even starts. No need to shout it from the rooftops, there are two ways to promote your stand: creating an email campaign before the show and using your active social media platforms.

Let your followers know that you will be building a booth for the trade show. Just add the event QR code to your social media post or email. This way, your visitors can save the date right on their calendars and remember to find your booth!

#2 Brand your booth

Did you know that QR codes can increase your brand awareness and your brand aesthetic? This is because when you choose QR Code Generator, you have a variety of QR code designs and QR code frames.

Make your brand instantly recognizable with fully customizable features like adding brand colors, a logo and a quick call to action. When visitors pass by your booth, it's unlikely they won't remember your brand.


qr codes at trade shows feed image - Как улучшить свой маркетинг с помощью QR-кодов на выставках
With a QR code generator, you can customize your QR code to match your brand.

#3 Quick transition from offline to online experience

Making your booth mobile-optimized is very easy with the help of QR codes once you have chosen the print media for your booth. You can print your personalized pixel square on anything from flyers, banners, stickers and brochures.

Exhibition visitors would have seen many other exhibition stands before seeing yours. To ensure your position doesn't fade into the background, you need an engagement tool to get their interest quickly.

This makes QR codes an ideal design—they're called quick response codes for a reason. Once visitors see the square grids on any of your content, they will be one scan away from interacting with you digitally. Engaging with your product or service through digital devices makes your brand memorable.

#4 Track, adjust and measure

With the QR Code Generator, you can measure your ROI on printing as well as keep track of every scan of your QR code.

By choosing a dynamic QR code, you will recoup your investment in your exhibition stand. This solution gives you access to edit and customize your materials even after printing. It is flexible compared to static QR codes.
Another benefit of choosing the dynamic version is its ability to track scans in real time. QR code tracking allows you to track location, operating system, scan time, as well as the total number of unique scans in a detailed (and downloadable) report. This is simplified trade show tracking.

statistika qr kodov - Как улучшить свой маркетинг с помощью QR-кодов на выставках
All real-time data that you can get when users scan your QR code.

Smart Ways to Use QR Codes at Trade Shows

Marketing your trade show booth with QR codes is not high math. Once you've got all your content set up, you can rely on these smart marketing tools to attract visitors. Here are some trade show marketing strategies that you can combine with QR codes.

#1 Let visitors test your product

Demonstrations are an important engagement factor at trade shows. You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, would you? The most exciting thing about these industry events is the novelty element.

Members get a face-to-face opportunity to connect with your brand. This is a huge deal. This is the time to outsmart your competitors by showing off your product's best features. So let your visitors feel what your product or service is capable of.

For example, if you're visiting a game show, enhance the fun by showing off your game. Or you can make it easier by attracting visitors to your booth with QR codes. You can do one or the other depending on your budget, but you can also do both!

In the image below, the target audience can either test the product or scan the QR code to order the game. This level of interactivity is both entertaining and cutting edge, so don't be surprised if you have a long line of onlookers who want to join the fun ride.

5 qr codes at trade shows feed image - Как улучшить свой маркетинг с помощью QR-кодов на выставках
Use a combination of gamification and QR codes to attract visitors.

If you're on a small budget, you still have the ability to generate interest. A good old-fashioned presentation is a very effective way to grab the audience's attention. Provide your audience with a free PDF eBook.

This is easily achieved with a PDF QR code that can be displayed on any printed material. We recommend printing QR codes on brochures. When you finish your presentation, distribute it to the audience.

#2 Organize a Trade Show Competition

Gamification is an effective strategy used at trade shows to attract visitors to your booth. To attract attention, hold a competition at the exhibition or distribute a QR code. A gift or reward can be anything from company merchandise to a free monthly subscription to your product. You can even print a QR code on clothing to give away trendy branded t-shirts.

Make sure everyone in your contest has moved on from something that represents your brand. This will give them something to remember you. But if you want to make a lasting impression and get more members to buy your products, leave a coupon QR code on the items you give away for free.

By doing this, you give them an incentive to buy what you sell. Another bonus is that they are more likely to recognize your brand because you have created an experience for them, and you will also leave them a QR code that will increase brand recall.

#3 Build business connections

Trade shows are also gold mines for establishing business connections with business partners in your industry. You can also evaluate your competitors and learn from experts in your field. Spend time connecting with business partners and sharing industry knowledge. You never know who you will meet and what invaluable information you can learn from them.

You can also take your networking skills to the next level by exchanging contact information on the spot. We offer a QR code business card. Also known as a virtual contact card, it allows you to store contact information in a single scan.

Place these solutions on a business card with a QR code and distribute them to all the business contacts you have established. You can also wear QR code badges so passers-by can find out who you are and scan the QR code on your business card.

#4 Grow your followers

If it's not on social media, then it wasn't, right? Building a social media presence is just as important as setting up a trade show booth. To generate interest, people need to know where to find you.

Before the event, update your followers with live content. Tease your followers with a sneak peek of your booth, snippets of your product demos, or even a livestream of an event.

Use the QR code banner at your booth to display your social media QR code. Can't choose which social network to choose? No problem. With this particular QR code, you will link all your accounts using just one code.

This mirror solution is the link between your in-person event and your social media platforms. The best part is that you will get more followers from visitors from your industry. Don't be surprised to find a flurry of followers after the show. Expand your following by connecting trade show attendees to your social media platforms.

#5 Collect reviews

When you are at a trade show, you are surrounded by your competitors. Scary, right? Well... it depends on how you look at it. This may be the most important learning curve for your business.

Consulting with industry experts can be the best way to check if your product or service needs improvement. Heck, it might even show you what you're doing wrong.

But the last thing visitors want to do during a noisy business event is fill out a survey. This may take too long. You need something fast, efficient and simple. Luckily, we have a solution for this: Feedback QR Code.

Gathering feedback doesn't have to be a chore. Asking participants for feedback doesn't require a long list of questions either. With our tool, you will get feedback on your demo, product or service!

Place a QR code on the package so your visitors can scan it in person or when they return home. The huge benefit is that you will also create a new lead for your business. Don't forget to write a thank you note.

Final Thoughts

Using QR codes at trade shows is a revolutionary way to improve your marketing strategy.

Build connections with scanning or reach potential customers with a variety of solutions. We give you the marketing tools to outshine other vendors so you don't get lost in the crowd. With flexible print media, you can display our pixel square grid on packaging or banners with your logo so you don't have to worry about branding.

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